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Hell of a Summer - Opening Night

Hell of a Summer - Opening Night

Celebrate the start of Fantastic Film Festival 2025 with the Australian Premiere screening of the bloody hilarious summer camp slasher Hell of a SummerThis film is a post-modern horror-comedy romp that’s aware of all the classic genre tropes, and gleefully subverts them with a wink and a cheeky grin.  

Tickets include drinks on arrival and a live DJ set to get you in the mood for one hell of a fun time. 

Lido Cinemas, Hawthorn 
Thursday 24 April
7:00pm – DJ and drinks on arrival, courtesy of  Heaps Normal, Stomping Ground, and Hartshorn Distillery
7:45pm – Australian Premiere of Hell of a Summer

Ritz Cinemas, Randwick
Thursday 24 April
7:00pm – DJ and drinks on arrival, courtesy of Heaps Normal, The Grifter Brewing Co., and Hartshorn Distillery
7:45pm – Australian Premiere of Hell of a Summer

Adult $30 / Members and concession $25